Even the best people in marketing are frightened of calling CEOs or business owners. This is explained by the fact that they feel insecure in a dialogue with high-ranking representatives of potential contractors. Such managers or business owners can categorically refuse to cooperate. This fear is partly justified by the fact that senior executives are not specialists in a particular industry, and may, citing a subjective assessment of the proposal, refuse. Even if the proposal is well-developed, and the marketer would really have a chance to study his proposal.

In fact, however, such calls are quite effective. Moreover, direct communication with first-line executives, if it is motivated and offers a significant business benefit, gives a very strong and positive impetus to the development of the company. In addition, these calls do not require special knowledge. But it is not unreasonable to become familiar with some of the specifics of a potential sales representative’s dialogue with top management.

Read more about how to work with universal cold calls at https://reply.io/sales-cold-call-template. In this review, experts detail the process of making and shaping high-quality cold calls, drafting the text, and formulating the offer itself. We will focus our attention on the dialogue with the top management of the company.

They are people too? Absolutely right!

Actually, you should first of all get rid of the fear of dialogue with the top management, as with people from another planet or with completely incomprehensible guidelines and values. CEOs are just as human as the people who call them. But there is undoubtedly a peculiarity.

Top executives are usually quite public people, about whom you can find information in public sources. This can be not only company press releases, but also about publications on various topics, which include information about hobbies, passions, various hobbies, and lifestyle.

How to use what you have learned

You should not, of course, start a dialogue with a general director who loves hunting as if he were a hobby colleague. This would rather look like an improper intrusion into his private life. However, it is acceptable to emphasize something, for example, to use words and terms from the “hunting life”:

  • our business is like a good gun – it will always go off;
  • we don’t chase the number of trophies we get, we have a plan to conquer the market completely;
  • we offer a hunt for a good profit, and our calculations can easily be verified-it’s a win-win for everyone.

Such hints won’t look “heavy-handed,” but they can help get results. At least you can try to do it.